- 2014 FIFA World Cup™All times are in Pacific Time
I also thought about how Germany and Argentina is going to be a great final match. Two power house futbol countries in the finals. A machine like ruthless Germany and an Argentina team with the best player on the planet and a hunger to win the world cup on their biggest rivals home soil. Whats not to like?
But being that I am a pretty big history buff I couldn't help but think about the Germany, Argentina, Nazi connection and how many Nazi's escaped to Argentina during and after World War II because a supportive dictator in Peron.
Insert the scene from X-Men First Class.
After the games end I knew twitter would be going crazy so while thinking about the history of these two counties I was perusing what people were saying. Then I came across this article.
Malaysian MP not sorry for tweeting 'long live Hitler' after Germany win - Washington Times
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A Malaysian political figure actual tweeted "long live Hitler" and based on his comments he doesn't see why it is such a big deal.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with people sometimes. Hitler is part of history and the German team fought like how he did,” he said. “I think people nowadays should transform their mentality. Whatever I tweet people hit me. They are not hitting me because of Hitler, but because I am Bung Mokhtar.”
No man, they aren't "hitting you" because your Bung Mokhtar. They are hitting you because you are a representative of your government and you are seemingly supporting a man/movement of a dark history in the human race that was responsible for countless numbers of deaths.
When I had thought of the Argentina Germany Nazi connection I was merely thinking of a historical context and how I am maybe one of the few that thinks of history like that still or maybe even knows that connection. We obviously aren't seeing Nazi symbolism on the pitch, around stadiums, or Nazi politics in the two countries governments.
Well this guy's comments reminded us all of the nazi stigma that exists still exists for Germany, reminds us all that there are still Nazi supporters out there in the world, and taken away from Germany team that has shown nothing but class so far in this tournament.
So remember, what we may think of as ancient history may still be lingering in the trenches. And maybe Bung was just being a knuckle head and really didn't mean to come across the way he did, but my gut tells me this guy wasn't joking. There are many people out there who will say, tweet, or internally feel exactly what he expressed and that's sad.
In any event I am still looking forward to Sunday. Happy world cup everyone!
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